Thawing Adult-Child Syndrome eBook
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Thawing Adult/Child Syndrome and other Codependent Patterns is one of the four-part Thawing the Iceberg Series by Don Carter, MSW, LCSW.
Thawing Adult/Child Syndrome is geared toward surfacing the underlying patterns of behavior and limiting beliefs that keep us stuck in unproductive relationships, the original wounds of abandonment, shame, and contempt, and how our subconscious mind adapted to the unique circumstances of our childhood by creating survival skills that now interfere with healthy coping.
Anyone who has ever found themselves repeating dysfunctional patterns that has cause problems in their life and relationships, and then wonder "Why do I do that?" or "Why am I like this?" is likely to experiencing habitual subconscious programming that has been referred to as Adult-Child Syndrome.
- STOP Re-Experiencing Painful Emotional Themes and Dysfunctional Relationship Patterns.
START Identifying and Healing Your Emotional Triggers.
- STOP Doing Your Pain in Advance. (9 times out of 10 it's Unnecessary Pain)
START Letting Go of Worries, Anxieties, and Fears (WAFs).
- STOP Sabotaging Yourself with Short-Term Fixes, such as False Refuges like Alcohol, Drugs, Chocolate Cake, etc.
START Achieving Your Goals and Dreams.
- STOP Feeling like an Imposter. Take Off the Mask of an Invented Self.
START being Authentic and Share Who You REALLY are with Others ~ Your True Self.
- STOP the Cycles of Depression, Anxiety, Addiction, and Compulsion.
START Healing the Emotional Wounds of Abandonment and Generating Cycles of Success!
- STOP the Inner Criticism and Infection of Shame.
- START Practicing Self-Compassion and Self-Leadership.
- STOP Protecting Yourself with a Scab of Contempt for Self and/or Others.
- START Practicing Assertiveness and Healthy Boundaries.
- STOP People-Pleasing and Approval Seeking.
- START to Uncover, Discover, Recover, and Share Who You Really Are ~ Your True Self.
- eBook